Our love of fruit has no bounds, most people think of fruits as being naturally sweet and juicy, such as oranges and fresh berries, but technically tomatoes and cucumbers are also fruit, even though we consider them to be vegetables commonly eating in salads.

While a lot of fruit is sold and consumed fresh by people, many fruits are processed for commercial use in food manufacturing. Most fruits including apples, peaches, watermelons, coconut, mangoes, and many berries can be processed into fruit preparations that are delicious, flexible, versatile and shelf-stable.

Fruits are a very versatile food source and before refrigeration most cultures would conserve their fruit crops by making jams, marmalades or they would dry fruits to enable them to be stored and eaten over winter when fresh fruit crops were unavailable.

Modern fruit prep technology

Modern fruit processing methods and technology can create fruit preparations that are a convenient and easy source of natural fruit for food and dairy manufacturers. The variety of food and dairy products in the marketplace that contains a significant amount of fruit is staggering!

From yoghurt pots and tubes containing fruit to cakes, muffins and tea bread, cookies and fruit loaf to ice cream and cereal bars - there are so many products that are well known for containing different types of fruit.

If you are a start-up food or dairy company that is currently developing your range and you are looking for a well-established, trusted and highly regarded fruit prep supplier to partner up with, you couldn't do better than to work with David Berryman Ltd.

Sustainably sourced fruit preps

For over 30 years David Berryman Ltd. has been one of the leading providers of commercial fruit preparations in the UK. Today our dedicated team supply some of the largest food and dairy brands that you will find on the supermarket shelves.

No matter if it's a fruit ripple in an ice cream range, a fruity sauce in a yoghurt range, or a fruit sauce topping on a delicious cheesecake, the chances are that fruit prep would have been made at our AA Graded BRC factory.

Over the years we have forged incredibly strong working partnerships with our growers in our international supply network. This means we always put the sustainability of our fruit supply at the heart of our operation, making sure that our growers are well supported so they can continue to grow only the highest quality fruit crops for our needs.

More fruit - less waste

Consumers these days are very conscious of reducing their waste, so it makes sense for them to choose foods that contain a high level of fruit because so little is wasted. A lot of fruit processing by-products go on to make dried peel, feed for animals or turned into compost.

Take coconut for example, not only can it be eaten straight from the shell as a delicious fruit, but when the flesh is processed to make coconut food products, the coconut fibres can be used to create natural fibres for floor tiles, wall and loft insulation and even mattresses! Coconut shells left over from food processing also go to make bird feeders, instruments, cups, souvenirs and more.

Dairy and fruit prep

The great thing about using fruit preps in dairy products is that everything in your yoghurt or ice cream can be completely natural. For many years now consumers have been demanding that their foods contain natural colours and will actively turn away from food products that contain synthetic colours or flavours.

By swapping out your artificial flavourings, colours and sweeteners contained in your dairy product for natural fruit in the form of a fruit prep, you will be giving your customers exactly what they want. By using David Berryman Ltd. Fruit preps, you will be getting a high level of quality and stability as well as a consistent, reliable supply to meet your needs.

No matter whether you are looking to introduce a new diary line containing fruit, or you want to convert a well-established dairy line over to natural fruit prep to boost its natural colour and flavour profile, then why not speak to our friendly team who will be able to advise you.

Ready to eat dairy desserts

Apart from fruit yoghurts, ready-to-eat dairy desserts are a very popular lunch-box and picnic option for families. These desserts offer the ultimate in convenience, especially if they are shelf-stable at room temperature and can be easily stored in the kitchen cupboard.

People like to be able to indulge themselves in a little treat that takes no effort, and this is why ready to eat dairy desserts have taken off so well over recent years. For example, pots of custard with a chunky fruit sauce, or vanilla pudding with a layer of fruit sauce have become a fast family favourite.

David Berryman Ltd. Can work with you to develop your very own fruit prep recipe if you are looking for something completely unique for your dairy dessert.

For dairy product manufacturers, it is important to develop a range of staple lines, while continuing to test and develop new ideas for products that are going to give their customers more choice and variety.

Talk to David Berryman Ltd.

No matter whether you are looking to convert your existing dairy range over to use natural fruit ingredients, or you are looking to create a brand-new range of dairy desserts, we have everything you need for your success.

From fruit preps to concentrates, glazes and toppings, do not hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team to discuss your needs.

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