Oranges and Lemons is a traditional British Nursery Rhyme, which is all based on the bells of churches in the London area of the UK. The rhyme has been turned into a playground game where the children form two human lines and they clasp hands to form a tunnel. The aim is for the “runners” to get through without having their heads “chopped off” by the chopping hands towards the end of the rhyme.

David Berryman are not traditional in any sense of the word, other than the fact that the company was formed in the traditional way in 1987. The only other similarity to this rhyme is the key use of oranges and lemons.

Orange Zest and Lemon Zest are just two of many key ingredients of many of our processed and prepared fruit sauces, juices, purees and concentrates.

Like the rhyme, our team works together to develop new and interesting flavour combinations.

Unlike the rhyme, we are a very friendly bunch - No head chopping at David Berryman!

Orange Zest:

On a more serious note, we use Orange Zest in many of our food processes to enhance and compliment different flavours.

Oranges are harvested mainly in November, December and January and in fact oranges are synonymous with Christmas, so much so that there was even a film made about “Christmas Oranges” in 2012. However, oranges are available during most of the year, although far more scarce in July and August months. This makes it ideal for mix and match blends, and because of its citrus tones, it can be spiced up for a warming combination for the winter months, and left clean and fresh for summer blends. For those more technical, the flavour elements of Oranges are acetaldehyde, sinensal and nootkatone.

Lemon Zest:

Again we use Lemon Zest in many of our food processes, in fact lemon is one of those ingredients that are so good to blend and mix, but almost undrinkable on its own because of its acidity.

Lemons are harvested in just four months of the year (October, November, December and January) but processing lemons means they can be used for far longer than the shelf life of an unprocessed lemon.

For those more technical, the flavour elements of Lemons are citral, linalyl acetate and geranyl acetate.

Orange and Lemon Zest:

Both Oranges and Lemons have an oiliness to their skin, and in fact the oils from both lemons and oranges can be used in many other products that are not food based, such as aromatherapy oils, soaps, creams, shampoos and even some perfumes.

Did you know cats hate orange oil, and orange oil is also used in cat deterrent products!

As a by process of using orange and Lemon Zest in our fruit sauces, juices and purees, we also produce lemon oil and orange oil for aromas and flavours.

Oils can also be used to enhance the flavour of food, not just toiletries and you can see more by visiting our aromas, flavours and colours page.


Thanks for reading, and to summarise,

  • David Berryman are not traditional, but are exciting and innovative
  • Oranges and Lemons are key ingredients in food processing
  • No heads are chopped of in any of our food processing techniques

If you want to find out more about our oranges, lemons, fruit sauces or other food processing techniques and blends, or even how we can help take your saucy idea from concept to delivery then contact us with your query. We look forward to hearing from you.

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